:: The Old Freewheelin' Reader ::

A reading companion to Freewheelin'
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:: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 ::

On Tuesday March 27 2003 all three Free-sites were collapsed into one. While Freelistenin' and The Freewheelin' Reader will continue to house their archived articles all three sites will now post on the revamped Freewheelin' Reader. I've decided that hosting three separate sites is kind of pointless. The web address for the new Freewheelin' Reader will remain unchanged from the old Freewheelin' address.

tim 3:09 PM [+]
:: Thursday, May 22, 2003 ::
Subversive books for kids
Don't be so smug. The Paper Bag Princess is on the list, and for good reason.
tim 1:08 PM [+]
:: Monday, May 19, 2003 ::
The Times Spring selections for kids.
tim 1:08 PM [+]
:: Saturday, May 17, 2003 ::
Noel Redding

The Bassist for the Jimi Hendrix Experience passed away earlier this week.
The Hendrix Experience was a truly influential band for me. I remember so clearly buying Are You Experienced from John Barban (he had an extra copy) back in high school. I bought it b/c I thought it was a best of compilation. Man, what a phenomenal first effort. I worshiped the Experience along with their contemporaries such as Bob Dylan and the Dead.
Redding will be sadly missed.
Read more.
tim 11:09 AM [+]
June Carter Cash

While I can't say I knew that much about June Carter Cash, or that I even liked her voice that much I know enough and respect her enough to say she came from a legendary musical family and did her part to continue that tradition both on her own and through her contributions with her husband Johnny Cash.
Read more
tim 2:45 AM [+]
:: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 ::
A History of Our Compassion (or lack there of) Towards Animals
Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb: A Chronicle of Sensibility to Animals reviewed.
tim 10:52 AM [+]
:: Sunday, May 04, 2003 ::
Margret Atwoods Oryx and Crake is gettig great reviews in the Econimist, the Globe and McLean's
tim 7:24 PM [+]
:: Saturday, May 03, 2003 ::
No time to read this now but I will. Hopefully.
tim 9:33 PM [+]
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-And-Rock-N-Roll Generation Saved Hollywood has been around for a while but it's still getting good reviews.
tim 9:27 PM [+]
The World's Earliest Battles
I just finished watching 8 Mile (it's shit) and in it Eminem settles many of his physical battles with stunning wordplay. Turns out this is nothing new. Before I go any further, I don't want it to ever be said that I didn't know what a battle was before seeing 8 Mile; I've been following hip hop since I was a kid, so I know more than you. Now, what was I saying? Oh yeah... Turns out that the Italians used to battle each other with lyrical swords too but, they used to publish clever but insulting pamphlets instead of spitting rhymes. It was a sign of their civility that they didn't turn things physcial.
This is one of the indicators used to determine that our world used to be a lot more violent than it is now. But if we've been violent for thousands of years, what's the reason for it? There's tonnes of theories but it seems as though social unrest plays a major role in determing the levels of violence in a community. Sounds like it makes sense doesn't it?
Read more from Elias' book.
tim 9:25 PM [+]
:: Friday, May 02, 2003 ::
Hey, Tony wrote a book.
Alright, it's Bill Tonelli's book but it's about Italians and their contribution to literature.

tim 1:57 PM [+]
Slang Gets Its Due
Just when you thought 'bling-bling' was played out, the OED puts it in its' pages.
tim 11:36 AM [+]

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